The intervention in HOTEL SOLE involves the construction of three large spaces that are part of the piano nobile of a palace used as a hotel, located in the historic center of Palermo. The bar area, a conference room and the food and wine area (where there is also a bookshop). It is independent spaces, but interconnected, which integrating perfectly inside the ancient palace without detracting from decorations and colors, they establish a relations of reciprocal enhancement. This report is established through an alternation of full and empty spaces obtained with removable panels made of vertical wooden stats appropriate illuminated and partially drilled, allowing the view of the decorated walls behind them. The areas are communicating by a path whose furnishings are all made tailored.
The intervention in HOTEL SOLE involves the construction of three large spaces that are part of the piano nobile of a palace used as a hotel, located in the historic center of Palermo. The bar area, a conference room and the food and wine area (where there is also a bookshop). It is independent spaces, but interconnected, which integrating perfectly inside the ancient palace without detracting from decorations and colors, they establish a relations of reciprocal enhancement. This report is established through an alternation of full and empty spaces obtained with removable panels made of vertical wooden stats appropriate illuminated and partially drilled, allowing the view of the decorated walls behind them. The areas are communicating by a path whose furnishings are all made tailored.
The intervention in HOTEL SOLE involves the construction of three large spaces that are part of the piano nobile of a palace used as a hotel, located in the historic center of Palermo. The bar area, a conference room and the food and wine area (where there is also a bookshop). It is independent spaces, but interconnected, which integrating perfectly inside the ancient palace without detracting from decorations and colors, they establish a relations of reciprocal enhancement. This report is established through an alternation of full and empty spaces obtained with removable panels made of vertical wooden stats appropriate illuminated and partially drilled, allowing the view of the decorated walls behind them. The areas are communicating by a path whose furnishings are all made tailored.
The intervention in HOTEL SOLE involves the construction of three large spaces that are part of the piano nobile of a palace used as a hotel, located in the historic center of Palermo. The bar area, a conference room and the food and wine area (where there is also a bookshop). It is independent spaces, but interconnected, which integrating perfectly inside the ancient palace without detracting from decorations and colors, they establish a relations of reciprocal enhancement. This report is established through an alternation of full and empty spaces obtained with removable panels made of vertical wooden stats appropriate illuminated and partially drilled, allowing the view of the decorated walls behind them. The areas are communicating by a path whose furnishings are all made tailored.
The intervention in HOTEL SOLE involves the construction of three large spaces that are part of the piano nobile of a palace used as a hotel, located in the historic center of Palermo. The bar area, a conference room and the food and wine area (where there is also a bookshop). It is independent spaces, but interconnected, which integrating perfectly inside the ancient palace without detracting from decorations and colors, they establish a relations of reciprocal enhancement. This report is established through an alternation of full and empty spaces obtained with removable panels made of vertical wooden stats appropriate illuminated and partially drilled, allowing the view of the decorated walls behind them. The areas are communicating by a path whose furnishings are all made tailored.